Our Mission

Our Mission

Valta Inc Client Dominique Vercaemert

VALTA focuses on helping clients improve their quality of life and achieve greater satisfaction and success by aligning their financial choices with their core values. Our values-based approach is ideal for those who are motivated to implement an inspired, compelling financial strategy in alignment with living a Life of Significance.

Here at VALTA, we pride ourselves on developing relationships with our clients that are based on trust and understanding. The principles, tools, and exercises that comprise our methodology help clarify the unique set of fundamental values that each of our clients hold most dear. As a client, you will find our Financial Road Map  process to be invaluable in defining your life of purpose and making it a reality.

We are committed to helping you self-actualize your life. If what you read here resonates with you, contact us. The feeling of securing your financial future by aligning it with the manifestation of your full potential is immeasurable — and it’s our mission at VALTA to help you get there. Our team stands ready to help you create the inspired, compelling financial strategy that’s the perfect fit for you and your loved ones.

Here’s to the journey!

Dominique G. H. Vercaemert, RFC , President/CEO